Monday, September 3, 2012

Just jump in!

Recently, we were in Vermont exploring swimming holes. On the last day of our vacation, we discovered a wonderful spot with water deep enough to jump off boulders more than 2 meters high. First my husband jumped. Then my 12 year-old daughter jumped. And finally, my 6 year-old nephew, after only a few moment's hesitation, gathered up his courage and took the plunge.
It was his fault that I found myself, a few minutes later, perched atop that boulder, knees knocking, and peering down at the roiling waters below.
"Hey," I thought bravely and enthusiastically to myself, "If he can do it, surely I can!" Yeah ... right.
I froze. Solid. Even my knees stopped shaking. 47 years old and I'm stuck. The six-year-old is sitting behind me blocking the way back and my husband and my daughter are in the water below trying all kinds of  encouragement, cajoling and eventually, threats, to get me to just ... well ... jump.  And I couldn't.
Some neighborhood kids came up onto the boulder and had to tippy-toe around me.  They jumped in. My nephew made his way around me.  He jumped in.  Still, I couldn't move.
And then, my husband smiled and said, "Ah, forget it.  She's not gonna do it." and got out of the water and began to dry off.  My daughter stayed put, cheering me on.  I laughed and asked her, "Do you believe I can do it?"  Without a moment's hesitation, she shouted and raised her fists, "I believe! I believe!"
And ... I ... jumped.
And, yes, it was amazing!
So, long after I named this blog and left it sitting, frozen, somewhere in cyberspace, I am jumping.  Taking that plunge. Plunking my thoughts down, making a little splash and sending those ripples out there.  I'm so curious to see where they go ...